Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

kinds and types of sentence

Thinking about my thesis …. Oucchhhh …. “loading” ucchhhh in Indonesia it called LEMOT …aaaaarrrgggg when I was in bachelor degree, I can finished my research paper like as train … without any waiting for traffic light nor stopped because off d’ gasoline “hangout” hahaha I can finished it not more than 3 months. But …. What about my thesis ??? hallooooooo vieeeee wakeeeee uuupppppp

By the way, talking about THESIS vs RESEARCH PAPER … I remember clearly about my research paper with d tittle A PRAGMATICS ANALYSIS ON THE DIRECTIVE UTTERANCES IN NEW TESTAMENT. Mmmm learning ENGLISH LANGUAGE is more than happiness after eating spaghetti and “penyet” heheheh … getting knowledge is human background to keep survive in her/his life. Like as I do did n done … my status still hold on as a students, and take a bow in “CAMPUS HEGEMONY” but … take it easy … those hegemony are not pushing me to “kentingan” hehehee …. Starting with smile and thanks to God each morning I feel fressshhh n ready to facing all minutes in each day.
Now let’s talking about my journal which r correlate to my research paper n … I want to share a bit KNOWLEDGE about the branches of GRAMMAR that is KINDS OF SPEECH and will dig up more in TYPES OF SENTENCES

the point of journal is
It distils the analyzing of directive utterances in New Testament chapter Matthew. By means of the using speech acts theory as material study of meaning in this journal will pointing the analyzing of meaning used two question; what are the forms; and what are the intentions of the directive utterances are. After a clear analysis on the Holy Bible and the specific data is used chapter Matthew-New Testaments of Revised Standard Version written by Thomas Nelson & Sons. And limit the source of the directive utterances in the chapter Matthew. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research by observation and documentation method by selecting the directive utterances which can be found in chapter Matthew (New Testament). In analyzing the directive utterances is by applying speech act theory, especially locutionary and illocutionary. The result of the study shows that there are three types of sentence used in New Testament chapter Matthew and The intentions which are used in chapter Matthew of New Testament
Keywords           : Pragmatics, Directive utterances, New Testament, Matthew (my journal 2012)

As I said before that my journal is based on my research paper in LINGUISTIC (the first method I used is PRAGMATIC). K leave about pragmatic … here lets talking about sentences because we are human who are using communicating to create interaction with the other. Communication will succeed when there is no misinterpretation between speakers and hearers. The speakers should be aware of what they are doing, because they have certainly tried to understand what the speakers mean. A communication will also succeed, when the speakers have an attitude, which they attend to conversation to the hearers in using languages, and the hearers recognize their attitudes.
Before we continue to the specific topic … I will show you the abstract/the point/the result of my research paper
I wrote that    This research is proposed at analyzing the directive utterances in New Testament chapter Matthew. The writer focuses the analysis to answer two problems statement: (1) what are the forms; and (2) What are the intentions of the directive utterances.
            In taking the data, the writer uses document that is the Holy Bible the Old and New Testaments of Revised Standard Version written by Thomas Nelson & Sons. The writer limits the source of the directive utterances in the chapter Matthew. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. In collecting the data, the writer uses observation and documentation method by selecting the directive utterances which can be found in chapter Matthew (New Testament) and the steps are: determining the chapter, reading the chapter, sorting out sentences contain directive utterance and coding the data. In analyzing the directive utterances, the steps are: describing the syntactic form by applying the theory deals with sentence by types and determining the variety of the speaker’s intention by applying speech act theory, especially locutionary and illocutionary
The result of the study shows that (1) there are three types of sentence used in New Testament chapter Matthew; they are declarative sentence (16.83%), interrogative sentence (6.93), and imperative sentence (76.24%). (2) All of the directive utterances have different intentions based on locutionary and illocutionary acts. The intentions are commanding (33.7%), requesting (19.8%), suggesting (26.3%), invitation (10.9%), and warning (8.9%).
Keywords      : Pragmatics, Directive utterances, New Testament, Matthew

REMEMBER … we are not talking about my research paper … but we are here to talk about SENTENCE (kinds and type of sentence) and Based on my journal and my research paper above that are cannot stay away from “sentence” positions’, so here I will share my knowledge about the branches of grammar that is kinds of sentence and types of sentence.
in Cambridge has been clearly explained that sentence ia a group of words, usually containing a verb, which expresses a thought in the form of a statement, question, instruction or exclamation and starts with a capital letter when written.

But …. I still clearly remember that my lecture “Mr. Maryadi” ever said that a sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought.

K ….
Let’s start our discussion with the notion of sentence;
In Traditional grammar defines a sentence in one two ways. Frank (1972: 220) defines a sentence in one of two ways. (1). by meaning, a sentence is a “complete thought”. It means that sentence can be identified by the understanding of the meaning. (2). by function, a sentence consists of a subject and a predicate. And sentences are generally classified in two ways (1) by step (2) by the number of formal predication.
The first thing we want to discuss is classification of sentences by number of full predication (KINDS OF SENTENCE). Based on that notion and our first topic … ever you heard about SIMPLE< COMPOUND, COMPLEX and COMPOUND COMPLEX sentences?
          Yap yap yappp …. There are 4 (four) kinds of sentence dealing with classification.
: Only Have One Full of Predication
A SIMPLE SENTENCE IS A SENTENCE or 1 clause which only has 1 subject and 1 verb. This sentence is having S and P (I laughed)
In the predicate of simple sentence there is only one main verb. A simple sentence may consist of two or three words or longer than that. Besides, it may also have two subjects but one verb; or 1 subject and two verbs. 
e.g :
1. a man and a woman worked in the field
2. a man attacked and robbed the rich lady



She will leave

Will leave


He choose me



V : copula
Lingking v
She was sick



My friend went to Surakarta

My friend
To surakarta


I got an excellent present in  my birthday
An excellent present
In my birthday
Most students have seen her responsibility
Most student
Have seen
You can save my believe on your heart and mind
Can save
My believe
On your heart and mind

    : It could be said as 2 simple sentences are joined by a co-ordination conjunction like; For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So
But there are so many functions of conjunctions guys …. J we will talk about conjunctions latter yak J my promise nee :p
Pattern:       Sentence, joining word sentence.
                  Subject + Predicate, joining word Subject + Predicate.
E.g :
ü  it rained BUT I went walk anyway
2. Ahjeed is small BUY but he is very strong
3. I’ll either call you OR I will send u message   

: sentences have two or more full of predicating. Main clause similar with simple sentences and the other are sub clause. It also can b called as main clause and sub clause (independent clause / dependent clause). And its Joining words (subordinating conjunctions) : As, As if, Because, Since, Although, Even though, When, While, Until, Unless, Where, etc
e.g :
1.    When I looked into the mirror, I saw an old man.
2.    I saw an old man when I looked into the mirror.
3.    Until Josh attended Merced College, he had no focus in life.
4.    Josh had no focus in life until he attended Merced College.
5.    I will write a book if it benefits the other. 

: Compound-Complex Sentence sentences contain two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clause.
“The man bought a new car and he told to all his friends until they are bored to hear that”.
: The compound - complex sentences consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. In other words, it is simply a combination of the compound sentence and the complex sentence.
ü  When I looked into the mirror, I saw an old man, and I was surprised.
ü  As I look out the window, I see no clouds, but the weather report predicted rain.
ü  Whenever the old man walked around the mansion, he wanted hide his money, for he feared his children would steal it from him.
Subordinating conjunction subject + predicate, subject + predicate, coordinating conjunction subject + predicate.


A. Analyse the following paragraph. Show which one are simple, compound, complex or compound-complex sentences!

One day we say “I wouldn’t been seen dead in it”, but the next day we’re wearing it! Although women know skirts are too long or too short, they buy them. Men wear tight trouser or baggy one. Even though know they are unconformable. Women save their heads and men have long hair whether it suit them or not. “I know what I like” is a phrase we often hear, but we are all afraid to do what we like. So we obey the dictators in Paris and London-in spite of what we feel. Otherwise people say, “Did that blouse belong to your grandmother? Or “you look like a Capone in that suit.” But do not worry! Even you are wearing your grandmother’s blouse or Capone’s suit, you can be sure one thing; sooner or later it will be the latest craze!
L. G. alexander/grammar1/1999-72

A. Arrange these jumble words into a meaningful sentence!
1.    Acoustic music – I – like – very much
2.    There are - a lot of people - are -at the bus stop
3.    Treated – kindly – her – they
4.    Well – the man – the piano – played
5.    Games – played – yesterday – in their room – the children – quietly
6.    to attack  - them - the general- order
7.    She - present - me         - expensive - gives
8.    You – god-  shall - the lord - not tempt -your
9.    fellow-servant - you have - mercy - had - on - your
10. Just need your smileeeee :D

B.  Write down the kinds of sentence that best describes for each sentence!
1.    El-Diya and her mother have a different concept every holiday over where they should spend family vacation.
2.    The car has a good engine
3.    My soon caught the ball
4.    As soon as we arrived at the library, it was raining heavily.
5.    Adeel and Diya is intelligent student and they have found to finance their study abroad.
6.    Hasan had finished his homework before he left the house.
7.    The man stole th (e jewelry and he hide it in the house until he could safely get out of town.
8.    I watched TV last night
9.    Because of the bad weather , the flight is postponed
10.  The man bought a new car and he told to all his friends until they are bored to hear that.
11. People choose governor today
12. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves (7; 15 = new testament-Matthew)
13. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus (1; 21)
14. I will pay             you everything (18; 26)
15. The man kicks the ball    

Dealllll …. Now lets talk about TYPES OF SENTENCE ;)

What is type of sentences … before we discuss more deeply, I have question for you …
1)      “The child ate his candy”, 2) “Did the child eat his dinner?”, 3) “Eat your dinner!”, 4) “What beautiful day!”.
Based on those sentences, I have easy question that is “what do you think bot those are questions? By giving the meaning. Easy right ?? heheh
Those sentences are based on thy types of sentence. As we know well that there are 2 classification of sentence as we have talked about kind of sentence and now we will taking about the meaning.
Heiii guys …   In understanding the meaning of sentence is identified by meaning lhoo. One of the reason why we  must study about language and the meaning by knowing kind of sentences and the meaning or types of sentence is to keep survive to stay in this world where we are life.  Speakers must know the meaning of the words they use, so be careful don’t make a mistake to give a meaning ya mb n mas browww :D
To dig up your wanted in knowing about this part is by these sentences from an excellent person n hope much u gt the reason.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society mark twain
What do you thing bot her sentence? What is the functional type for it?
Same with the other sentences below
The second one is “but, what is the difference between the literature and journalism? Journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.” Oscar Wilde
The third is be careful about reading health books. You may die of misprint.” mark twain
And the last “to die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be it men died for ideas that were true” H. L. Mencken
Fine ,,,
Now.. lets talking about this chapter and also I will give u the explanation. Back to the source of this work is based on my research paper … so I will also use the example from my research paper, hohohoho
The classification of sentence by types according to Frank (1972: 220), there are four types of sentences; 1) Declarative Sentence is a sentence in which the subject and predicate have normal word order. 2) Interrogative Sentence the position of the subject and predicate are often reserved, or sometimes it is started with auxiliary, question words, and modal. It is used to ask a question and ended with a question mark in written. In the spoken language, most of (yes – no) question ends with a rise in pitch and the most interrogative words question ends with a full in pitch. 3) Imperative Sentence is only predicate is expressed. It gives a command or makes a request and often an invitation or offer. 4) Exclamatory Sentence is used to express strong feeling and ends by an exclamation mark phrase consisting of what/how or plus a part of the predicate.
1)     Declarative sentence is a sentence in which the subject and predicate have normal word order. The sentence ends with a period in writing and a drop in pitch in speech.
a.    “my boyfriend give me present”
b.   Matt (25: 9)
“But the wise replied, “Perhaps there will not be enough for you and for us; you had better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.”

The type of the sentence is declarative sentence, which the class is compound sentence. you functions as the subject. The predicate is shown by the word had better go and then, to the dealers function as adjunct of place, conjunction by and, and then followed buy as predicate, some for yourselves as object.

2)    In interrogative sentence the subject and predicate are often reserved, or sometimes it is started with auxiliary, question words, and modal. It is used to ask a question and ended with a question mark in written. In the spoken language, most of (yes – no) question ends with a rise in pitch and the most interrogative words question ends with a full in pitch.
a.    “Did the child eat his dinner?”
b.   Matt (26: 40)
“Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, ‘So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?”

The form of the utterance above belongs to negative interrogative sentence, in this sentence include into the simple sentence. This sentence use of modal could as question modal at the beginning of the sentence as one unity of predicate function with the word not stay awake with me and word of not showing the negation. And the adjunct of time is showing by one hour.

3)     In imperative sentence, only predicate is expressed. It gives a command or makes a request and often an invitation or offer. Imperative sentence can be in negative forms, when someone gives a very clear order or instruction.
a.    “Eat your dinner!”
b.   Matt (26: 36)
“Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples, ‘Sit here while I go yonder and pray.”

The type of the sentence is imperative. The class of sentence is complex sentence. It has two predications in the form of independent clauses. The verb or the simple predicate are sit. The word here as adjunct, expressed of sit. In addition the word while I go yonder and pray as a adverb of time.

4)    Exclamatory sentence is used to express strong feeling and ends by an exclamation mark phrase consisting of what/how or plus a part of the predicate.
a.    “How pretty she dances!”
b.   I didn’t find exclamatory sentence in my research paper,,, heheheh sorryyyyyyy :p

Taraaaaa …. Easy laaaa J yap yapp
Now … I have easy exercise
Change the statements into interrogative (information question)
a.    They will not go to the theater
b.   Why à why wont they go to the theater
1)     a: This theory can be proved
b : what è _____________________________________________
2)    a: during the nineteenth century they had build the museum
b: when è _____________________________________________________________
3)     a: the company has many branches
b: what = ___________________________________
4)    a: the Toyota foundation has given many scholarship to student.
B: whom =_________________________________________________
5)    a: the big building is president’s
b: whose = ___________________________________
6)    a: my friend wanted to leave in a small island
b: why = _________________________________________________
7)    a: the researchers observe the problem carefully.
B: how = __________________________________________
8)    a: Erdhan choose living in Surakarta
b: which = __________________________
9)    a: “The Sun Also Rises” was written by Ernest Hemingway.
B: who = ______________________________________________________
10) a: Chandraningrum Dewi is regarded as a mother, lecture, researcher, and feminist, I know well about her.
b: who = _________________________________________________________

salam sukses LUAR BIASA !!!! 

love u all ___ vie :)