Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Psychoanalitic approach

This discussion is about literary theory “Psychoanalytic”. And the master of this theory is Sigmund Freud who formulated the idea that consciousness is a small part of the mental life while the magnitude is conscious or unconscious.
Here have 3 structures in understanding this theory, or 3 main discussions The Major Personality Structure. They are ID, EGO, n SUPEREGO

A. Psychoanalytic Approach
       Psychological approach is focused on analyzing some extrinsic aspects. Basically, this approach is used to reveal problems inside character’s psyche. This approach uses psychology references as device to help the writer translating the discussion into literature. According to Wellek psychology in literary works can be used to give evaluation psychologically to the elements of literary works, such as character, plot, and theme (Budianta in Noviana; 14-15).
1. Notion of Psychoanalysis
         Literary work is the result of human imagination that is of both beautiful and a wonderful impression on the soul of the reader. The image is the power of thought to imagine or create images based on fact or events a person experiences. There are two types of works, namely fiction and non-fiction, in this case, based on the type of book that used by the writer is the work of non-fiction. Works of non-fiction is a literary work that is based on the data - the data is authentic, but the data can also be developed according to the author's imagination. Literary works constructed by two elements, namely elements intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements are elements that build the literary works such a, theme, plot, mandate and others. Whereas extrinsic element, are elements that build literature from outside such as education, religion, economics, philosophy, psychology and others.
        Based on some intrinsic elements that have been mentioned above, the writer is focus his research on the characterization in a literary work. This case is analysing the figure and its based on psychology. Through this memoir was analyst according to personality psychology approach proposed by Sigmund Freud.
         Psychology literature is the study of literature that sees literature as a mental activity. The Point issue of literary work is a psychological phenomenon that will show through the psychological aspects of the characters of the text happens to be a drama or prose. Explained by Endaswara(2003; 97) that the elements of psychology and literature is having functional relationships because the objects which are used and researched is same, that is human, and it is equally studying the human psyche. And the difference is very clear and does not require an explanation in terms of the psychology literature is real and imaginative. 
         The basic assumption in using psychology research literature is due to the influence of the assumption that the work of literature is the product of an author's psyche and the thought that in a situation or semi-conscious (subconscious) after getting a certain case it becomes into forms perpetually aware (conscious). Then, this study also make observations on the psychology of this figure is also the aspects of thought and feelings of the author when creating the work.
         A psychologist, who pronouncing about studies the psychology literature is Sigmund Freud. It is the part of psychoanalytic study which has two fundamental Assumptions; unconscious and the conscious. Sigmund Freud formulated the idea that consciousness is a small part of the mental life while the magnitude is conscious or unconscious.
     In terms of the psychology of literature discussion above, corroborated with Wajiran’s article (2007) Ahmad Dahlan’s lecturer in his discussion with the title "konsep karya sastra menurut sigmun freud” or the concept of literary works by Sigmund Freud which explains that Literature is a reflection or a picture of the author. Therefore, it cannot be separated from the literary background of the author. Literature will be greatly influenced by the mind-set, mental and maturity creator. Despite this literature is not always synonymous with a miserable author. Because the expression on the author not merely of what was in him but also the conditions that exist in the surrounding environment. In this concern it could be said that a literary is a critique to the social conditions. Both globally and literature can be a narrow social reflection.
                         “...Sastra merupakan cerimanan atau gambaran yang ada pada penulisnya sendiri. Oleh karena itu sastra tidak bisa lepas dari latar belakang penulisnya. Sastra akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh pola pikir, kejiwaan dan kedewasaan penciptanya. Meskipun demikian sastra tidak selalu identik dengan penulisnya yang sengsara. Karena ekpresi yang dilakukan penulis bukan semata-mata dari apa yang ada dalam dirinya tetapi juga kondisi lingkungan yang ada di sekitarnya” (wajiran; 2007).

2. The Major Personality Structure
a. ID
Id is the first component of the personality that is present from birth. The Aspects of personality is including the instinctive and primitive behaviours. According to Freud, the Id is the source of all psychic energy, so that the main components of personality. Expression Id is driven by the pleasure principle, which seeks to immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. (Hariyanto 2010). From the description it can be interpreted that the Id is a component of personality that is using the system work with the pleasure principle "pleasure principle".
The purpose of pleasure principle allows someone from strained, decrease or pressures it until constant, because strained as a suffering.  Id cannot be asked by logical and it has no ethics and values. Id motivates to reach pleasure because of instinct agreed with pleasure principle. Id does not know time order, actually Id does not introduce timeless, Id and logical laws don’t use but there is a certain structure such as living instinct and death instinct (Bertenz, 1983)
b. EGO
Hariyanto (2010) and endaswara (2003) also provide a consistent explanation that Freud; the Ego develops from the Id and ensures that the impulse of the Id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. The function of Ego is as well as in the conscious mind, the preconscious, and unconscious. 
Ego works on the principle of reality, which is trying to satisfy the desires of the id in ways that are realistic and socially appropriate. Reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. In many cases, the id's impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratification - the ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only in the right time and place. 
In mizan (2012) also giving a simple notion that Freud gives addition understanding. And According to him, the Ego is the personality structure that deal with the demands of reality, reasoning and contains the proper understanding. Ego trying to hold the action until he has a chance to understand the accurately of reality, understand what has happened in the past in the form of a situation, and make realistic plans for the future. Ego goal is to find a realistic way in order to satisfy the Id.
The superego is the last element to develop a personality. Simple understanding of the Superego is to provide guidelines for making judgments. Because of the Superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of the internalization of moral standards and ideals that we get from people who are older and people are feeling or behavior is right and or wrong. This notion is also correlated with the previous research which stating that “Superego is morality element branch of justice from personal system; Superegois the internal representative of traditional values and evaluative norms” Hall in Pangesti (2005)